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Town of Holden
Public Safety Building Committee
Meeting Minutes
December 2, 2009

6:30PM                  HMLD Building

Present:        Chairman Chris Lucchesi, Karl Makela, David White, Peter Liddy, Mary Ryan, Rick Bates, Jack Chandler

Absent: Bob Beck, Dave Ellis, Brian Forts, George Sherrill

Others Present: Paul McAndrew, Kaestle Boos Associates, Gary Kaczmarek, Owners On Site Project Manager, Robert Para, Jr., Lamoureaux Pagano Associates, Elizabeth Helder, Recording Secretary

Others Absent:   Michael McKeon, Kaestle Boos Associates, Kristen Smith, Kaestle Boos Associates, Mike Pagano, Lamoureaux Pagano Associates

Public Comment

No one from the public came forward.

Chairman's Comments

The Job Site Appreciation Luncheon will be held on Wednesday, December 16th at noon.

Architect's Report

Mr. McAndrew reviewed the December 2, 2009 Architect's Report.

COP-018 Gas Piping from New Meter to New Building quote came in from NSTAR at $23,080.94. This COP is currently under review at KBA. Gary Kaczmarek said he called NSTAR and met with them on 12/2. He asked for another quote to come in with a new gas main from the street. This work cannot be performed until next spring 2010. He said he hoped the price for new main would be less expensive than running pipes from the old meter at the old building to the new building.

Mr. McAndrew said a FF&E meeting between Interior Design and the Fire Department had been scheduled for 12/4/09 to discuss furniture selection and layout prior to presenting to the Committee. The Chairman said that the FF&E presentation to the Committee would be held at the January 6, 2010 meeting.

Project Management

Gary Kaczmarek provided an update on site work. Structural steel is 99% complete and concrete is being poured. Ductwork is being installed in the downstairs portion. Drywall contractor is setting up and interior walls will begin the week of December 7th. The stone wall is progressing. Abutter has given verbal permission to trim trees on his property to aid in the construction of the wall. No landscaping fabric is being installed under the wall. Trees will be planted against the existing fence next to the condominiums for screening purposes.

Police and Fire Gym Equipment Presentation

Sgt. Regle addressed the Committee to request their support in funding gym equipment for the new building. The Police Department has a physical fitness/wellness test that officers must pass every year. It is a job requirement to pass the test. Police officers have a higher morbidity rate than the general public due to their stressful lifestyle. Additionally, they have a greater propensity for heart attacks. Physical and wellness programs promote loyalty and fitness among the staff. He requested that the Committee fund new shared fitness equipment for the Police and Fire staff. Chief Chandler said that the Fire Department would like to have a physical fitness requirement, but does not currently have the space to work out. Existing exercise equipment has been purchased by the Police Association or donated by the officers.

Eric Bailey with Performance Plus presented the Committee with a list of proposed equipment for the joint public safety gym. Performance Plus is on the State vendor list. Flooring is not included in the $43,484.25 equipment request.

Mr. White commented that the goal of the committee is not to spend its surplus funds. He said that this request should have been included in the FF&E proposal. The Committee recognized the need for physical fitness by including space for a gym in the building plan. Funding the equipment should not be at the tax payers expense. Outside funding should be sought.

Ms. Ryan said she appreciated the presentation and it was important to know about the request. The Committee will keep the request in mind and discuss it at a later date.

Bathroom Vendor Fixture Discussion

The current vendor of bathroom supplies has offered to provide fixtures at no cost as long as they are allowed to remain the current vendor of supplies. Each department has its own vendor: one vendor would need to be selected. They would also install and replace broken equipment at no charge. One vendor would like a contract, one contractor agreed to the deal "with a handshake" according to Chief Chandler.

Chairman Lucchesi inquired what kind/how long a commitment is the vendor looking for.

Mr. White said there would be a change order to the current bathroom specs if the current vendor and its fixtures that are included in the plans were eliminated in favor of these "free" fixtures. The cost of the change order to accommodate new and different fixtures might not be worth the "free" fixtures from another vendor. Both Mr. Kaczmarek and Mr. McAndrew concurred with Mr. White's statements.

The Committee agreed that it would like to stay with the fixtures and vendors included in the KBA plans. It requested that KBA investigate rolled paper goods fixtures in all bathrooms as a cost savings measure.


Committee members signed invoices for payment.

New Business

Mr. Para commented that he always carried a line item for gym equipment as a contingency.

Mr. Liddy commented that the Holden Police Department is in excellent physical condition. It is not a matter of not having the equipment, it's a matter of who is funding it. What is the benefit to not having the equipment? Mr. Bates agreed. Dave White asked is it the building committee's responsibility to fund this room or does that responsibility fall to the Town Manager? Would this type of funding pass at a Town Meeting? This request should come from FF&E.

Chief Chandler asked if the smart boards are being funded from FF&E?


Motion by Dave White, seconded by Mary Ryan, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE DECEMBER 2, 2009 MEETING AT 7:15PM.

Approved:       March 17, 2010